



Heavy Equipment




Terms & Conditions


Welcome to DEAL IN CASH! is a free classifieds portal that offers sellers the opportunity to advertise and post their products together with the detail and pic to get more attention for easy selling and, large number of services under a vast types of categories and sub-categories, and the opportunity for buyers to browse, search for, and contact sellers to buy the listed products or services. These Terms of Use sets forth the agreement between you and It governs your use of the products and services we offer through our website and applications (collectively the “Site” or “ Platform”). This agreement provides important information to you, including information about your obligations about your content, our limitation of liability to you, and your agreement to resolve any disputes by individual arbitration and to waive the right to participate in a class action. By accessing Deal in cash you are agreeing to the following terms. may provide a translation of the English version of the Terms into other languages. Any translation of the Terms into other languages is for your convenience only and the English version governs the terms of your relationship with Deal in cash. Furthermore, if there are any inconsistencies between the English version of the Terms and any translation, the English version of the Terms shall prevail. You’re Account. In order to access and use some or a portion of the Services, you may be required to register with us and set up an account with your email address and a password (your Account). The email address you provide will be your email address, and you are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password. You are solely responsible for all activities that occur under your Account. Therefore, you should protect your password and make your password difficult for others to guess. We advise users to use their first and last names in their usernames. Don’t use any username that is similar to Deal in cash, “”.

You may connect to the Services with a third-party service (e.g., Facebook) and you give us permission to access, store, and use your information from that service as permitted by that service and as may be described in our Privacy Policy. If you believe your Account may have been compromised or misused, contact us immediately at Deal in cash Customer Support. Using Deal in cash. You will post in the appropriate category or area and will not do any of the following bad things: violate any laws or our Prohibited Content Policy; be false or misleading; infringe any third-party right; distribute or contain spam, chain letters, or pyramid schemes; distribute viruses or any other technologies that may harm Deal in cash or the interests or property of Deal in cash users; impose an unreasonable load on our infrastructure or interfere with the proper working of Deal in cash; copy, modify, or distribute any other person’s content; use any robot, spider, scraper or other automated means to access Deal in cash and collect content for any purpose without our express written permission; harvest or otherwise collect information about others, including email addresses, without their consent; bypass measures used to prevent or restrict access to Deal in cash. Include personal or identifying information about another person without that person’s explicit consent; Prohibited content.

Any post that contains one or more of the below prohibited content will be deleted, once we identify it and Deal in cash reserves the right to permanently delete the user account, blacklisting the account, and/or reporting the content and the user information to Law Enforcement or the appropriate Authority. Alcoholic Beverages, Liquor, tobacco products, drugs, psychotropic substances, narcotics, intoxicants of any description, medicines, palliative/curative substances nor shall you provide link directly or indirectly to or include descriptions of items, goods or services that are prohibited under any applicable law (For dietary supplements, slimming products and cosmetic creams, FDA approval must be provided first) Living, dead person and/or the whole or any part of any human which has been kept or preserved by any means whether artificial or natural including any blood, bodily fluids and/ or body parts Prostitution or any other service in the nature there of that purports to violate the provisions of Immoral Act or Indecent representation of women which violates the contemporary standards of morality and decency in the Arab society. Religious items, including books, artifacts, etc. or any information, description of any such item that is likely to affect the religious sentiments of any person or group Offensive Material intended for use in a sexual setting (including “bondage” and “fetish” items,) displaying sexual activity or portraying human genitalia in a “life-like” or realistic fashion “Antiquities” and “Art Treasures” not authorized for sale or trading under any applicable law Information or items that are defamatory, libelous, threatening or abusive in nature Information that is fraudulent, misrepresenting as to the nature and use of the goods or the services. Counterfeit, Pirated and stolen goods or unauthorized illegal services (services for which you are not licensed or permitted to do or do not have the authority to undertake). Items, goods and services that infringe or attempt to pass off any third parties intellectual property or rights of publicity or moral rights and or purport’s to breach any persons right privacy.

Electronically transmitting through any medium computer viruses of any type or any computer program that facilitates hacking of a computer system which the intent to damage a computer or computer network or intercept any personal data. Your information shall not include any hate content, that is derogatory or slanderous in nature that may directed to any individual or group or advocate violence against any users individuals and or animals. Hazardous chemicals and pesticides Fireworks, Destructive Devices and Explosives including any material that enables the making of fireworks, explosive triggers and explosive devices. Identity Documents, Personal Financial Records & Personal Information (in any form, including mailing lists) Lottery Tickets, Sweepstakes Entries and Slot Machines Military or Police Badges, Uniforms, coats-of-arms and or any Government emblems, insignia, and/ or items related to military or police that are not authorized for sale or trading under any applicable law Weapons and related items (such as firearms, firearm parts and magazines, ammunition, tear gas, stun guns or switchblade knives “Pyramid schemes” and “Multilevel Marketing” and/ or similar scams which are solely listed for the purpose of defrauding users. Classified video games posts +18 like (GTA, Pub g, God of War….etc.) Spam, abusive, duplicate, listing, fraud schemes (e.g. “Get rich quick” “work at homes” scams which are solely listed for the purpose of duping users) Inappropriate, Wrong Category (e.g. dining table listed as office furniture). Endangered animal species or animals advertised for fighting or offensive purposes Loans, funding services, & financing companies (Non-Rental cars (private cars Posts for Maid or Maid’s Waiver in Deal in cash is only allowed for Licensed Offices or Companies Abusing Please use the flagging system to tell us about any problems or offensive content so that together we can keep the Services site working properly. We may limit or terminate our Services, remove hosted content and take technical and legal steps to keep users off Deal in cash if we think that they are creating problems or acting inconsistently with the letter or spirit of our policies.

However, whether we decide to take any of these steps, remove hosted content or keep a user off or not, we do not accept any liability for monitoring or for unauthorized or unlawful content on or use of by users. The below practices are considered prohibited on Deal in cash; Creating multiple accounts Posting duplicate content Delete Posts and Creating repeatedly Posting content with misleading titles, content, or images Posting content with inappropriate images Posting content under wrong categories Posting content with unrealistic prices Posting content with links redirecting to other websites Uploading images that contain names, phone numbers or any other words Posting content with prepayment or bank transfer options Posting generic content Posting multiple items in one post Posting wearable items without uploading images Posting scam or fake content Posting pictures that contains text from the same post, or logo pictures for other companies, within post itself Posting Ads with Keywords Maid/Maid’s is not allowed, instead use the keyword housekeeper Content. Deal in cash contains stuff from us, you, and other users. You agree not to copy, modify, or distribute, our copyrights or trademarks. When you give us content, you are granting us a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sub-licensable right to exercise the copyright, publicity, and database rights to that content. If you believe that your rights have been violated, please notify us at Customer Support and we will investigate the matter. We reserve the right to remove content where we have grounds for suspecting the violation of these terms or the rights of any other party.

Safety & Security Tips Dealings. You can buy and sell through by finding the item you want to buy first, then contact the advertiser through the available communication methods and inquire about what you want, and agree on the sale and delivery, To be safe without fraud, please verify that there is a real product, inspect it, do not send any cash to anyone without confirming the advertiser and the commodity, preferably communicate with the advertiser and interview on the real environment, and avoid the prepayment and shipping done, Steps to follow when buying and selling, you can follow the following tips and steps when buying and selling on the open market site:

  • Choose the seller wisely.
  • Do not make any money before getting the service provided by the seller.
  • Order actual product images.
  • Know the product status. (Ask them all major and minor inquiries about the ad (such as product status, sales reason, and product details).
  • Make sure the price of the product so that it is reasonable limits (if you have no idea how to price the product you can do a quick search to get an idea of the price).
  • Use secure payment methods.

Also, Remember the following information before meeting a seller or buyer:

  • Preview the product before buying and make sure it is safe and not defective.
  • Don’t send any money before you receive the service provided by the seller.
  • Confirming the place of the meeting to deliver or receive the product.
  • Fully inquire about the product from the seller before buying.

Note: The is not responsible for the sales and purchase transactions between advertisers, as we are simply an intermediary between the seller and the buyer to display free classified ads, how can I know fraud user? You should suspect any unsafe sales attempts or fraudulent persons if: – The ads in the displayed item included pictures from the Internet (not genuine). – If the price is very low (compared to local market prices). – When you ask for additional photos about the product they are not available to the seller. – When you inquire about details about any item of the ad, it gives a lot of inconsistent answers. – When asked to meet them to preview the product or hand over, they provide too many excuses. – Insisting on converting your money … fast! You can always report fraud users by contacting us immediately if you suspect the credibility of a user’s ad on Deal in cash. In addition, we encourage you to go to the police if a trap occurred or fraud, we are ready to provide the police with any information that serves the investigation, at their official request. Quickly fill out an application to be able to stop the person’s account after conducting the necessary investigations. Reporting Intellectual Property Infringements. Do not post content that infringes the rights of third parties. This includes, but is not limited to, content that infringes on intellectual property rights such as copyright and trademark (e.g. offering counterfeit items for sale). We reserve the right to remove content where we have grounds for suspecting the violation of these terms, our policies or of any party’s rights. If you have a good faith belief that a listing on any of the Deal in cash infringes your copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights, all you need to do is notify us at Customer Support. Only the intellectual property rights owner can report of potentially infringing items or listings. Fees and Services. Using Deal in cash is generally free. . Deal in cash has the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to refuse, delete or move any content or membership at any time. Deal in cash has the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to Verify Any Post or Member by Requesting customers to provide official papers such as (Commercial Registry, Profession Licenses, Identity, etc…) for documentation and validation reasons. We will send notices to you via the email address you provide, or by registered mail. Notices sent by registered mail will be deemed received five days following the date of mailing. We may update this agreement at any time, with updates taking effect when you next use the site or after 30 days, whichever is sooner. Send questions, comments or complaints to Deal in cash Customer Support. Mobile Devices Terms If you’re accessing Deal in cash from a mobile device using an Deal in cash Mobile Application (the “Application”), the following terms and conditions (“Terms of Use”) apply to you in addition to the applicable Mobile Privacy and Legal Notice or End User License Agreement, as the case may be.

Your use of the Application confirms your agreement to these Terms of Use. Application Use. grants you the right to use the Application only for your personal use. You must comply with all applicable laws and third party terms of agreement when using the Application (e.g. your wireless data service agreement). The Application may not contain the same functionality available on the website. You download and use of the Application is at your own discretion and risk, and you are solely responsible for any damages to your hardware device(s) or loss of data that results from the download or use of the Application. Intellectual Property – Applications. Deal in cash owns, or is the licensee to, all right, title, and interest in and to its Applications, including all rights under patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark, and any and all other proprietary rights, including all applications, renewals, extensions, and restorations thereof. You will not modify, adapt, translate, prepare derivative works from, decompile, reverse-engineer, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to derive source code from any Application and you will not remove, obscure, or alter Deal in cash copyright notice, trademarks or other proprietary rights notices affixed to, contained within, or accessed in conjunction with or by any Deal in cash Application.